Who is SYNHUB?

SYNHUB is a digital Tech Community that specialized in INCUBATION & ACCELERATION services for both startups and SMEs who need to be settled the new innovative products/service or transformed their business to become a part of  INNOVATIVE SPACE with us.

"Hub of INCUBATOR ACCELERATOR for Innovative Space"


Hub of Incubator & Accelerator

As a digital-tech Community, SYNHUB consolidates all of these for you. 

  • Tech & business consultation services 
  • Product design & optimization for your MVP
  • Matching you with an angle investors
  • Production for scaling up your startup 
Innovation District

Innovative Space

Support equality for Thai people SYNHUB invites you to become a part of our community which consists of.

  • Virtual office rental  for the next generation social media in the metaverse 
  • Co-working space for fully eco-system support for workshop and showcase 
  • Lifestyle & hangout KUSTO cafe’ for hipster 


We are the community of tech and startups under government units such as DEPA and BOI supports, looking for startups, SMEs or new entrepreneurs, researchers, makers, inventors who’re looking for the team, consultant or specialist support or even matching space for VC/angel investor or your customers from our networking or partnership provider.  

SYNHUB's Success Stories

SYNHUB proudly presents our success cases that will make Thailand go into an innovation district as per our mission.


Smart bed project from SYNHUB accelerator for Tech Startup to represent our success in an international tech CES event.


A New-Age Innopreneur program of platform management services company in agriculture product preservative for the future food industry from SYNHUB consultation services. 


Smart wand that helps us to track elderly parents in a holistic view with real-time data sync through our App for measuring heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure, real-time location and SOS to alert just in case of emergency that a signal will be sent to the nearest hospital for protocol acceptable at the specified time.


The One Stop Service Community for Thailand’s next incubators and accelerators. SYNHUB Digi-Tech Community “Hub of Incubator and Accelerator” updated information.

Press Release

HealthTechX Pre-Pitching

สสส.”เคาะแล้วนักประดิษฐ์เทคโนโลยีดิจิทัลเพื่อสร้างเสริมสุขภาพ 25 ทีมสุดท้าย HEALTHTECH X สุขล้ำ ไม่เหลื่อมล้ำ” เคาะแล้วนักประดิษฐ์เทคโนโลยีดิจิทัลเพื่อสร้างเสริมสุขภาพ 25 ทีมสุดท้าย

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synhub TED fellow
Press Release

ประกาศว่า SYNHUB คือ TED Fellow ภาคเอกชน

กระทรวงการอุดมศึกษา วิทยาศาสตร์ วิจัยและนวัตกรรม โดยกองทุนพัฒนาผู้ประกอบการเทคโนโลยีและนวัตกรรม (TED Fund) ได้อนุมัติจัดตั้งหน่วยงานภาครัฐและเอกชน ครั้งที่ 3/2565 วันที่

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Our Partners

SYNHUB’s various activities are possible thanks to our partners. We develop partnerships with local authorities, commerces and various associations. If you are interested in leading or participating in some of our projectsplease join us.

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